Our Services

Data Migration

In certain large scale transformations of changes from legacy system to new system or in case of organisation mergers etc, data transformation and migration (ETL) of the legacy system data to the new application becomes the most critical activity in the overall transformation. Efficient and error-free transformation of data speeds up the implementation process considerably, thereby reducing the overall implementation timelines as well as associated costs.

The main aim of the data migration process is to bring data from systems which will be deactivated / retired, or from complementary systems to the new application. Tools specialized in the extraction, transformation and loading of data (ETL) are used, resulting in process productivity, precision and quality.

The availability of complete documentation regarding the structure and method of access to source data is of vital importance. Based on this documentation, a migration plan/strategy is defined, which contains the mapping for FROM/TO fields, way of data access, volumes, etc. The better the existing documentation of source data, the more productive and predictable the migration process will be.

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