Our Services

Pre Audit Assistance

The management system audit is always a time of high stress and anxiety for an organization, no matter how well prepared it is. Even though the requirements are clearly defined in relation to the audit, there is always room for subjective interpretations. It is possible that some unnoticed detail may slip through, jeopardizing all the effort that is put in.

With the aim of minimizing risks and providing a state of calm for the customer at this important and decisive moment, we offer the Pre-audit Assistance service.

Our consultant, specialized in the ISO 9001 standard, applies a checklist to ensure that everything is in order. Any anomalies are immediately identified and timely action plans for dealing with them can then be put into practice.

There are many typical situations that deserve attention before an audit is conducted, such as the release of to-do tasks, alteration to action plan deadlines, security and system access, among others.

Therefore when it comes to the audit, prevention is always better than cure.

Customer Benefits